The Surface Of Mars: Incredible NASA

On June 8, 2019 by Tim Newman

Mars, a distant cousin of earth, is a beautiful wasteland. Once home to running water, it now lies a desolate shell. However, barren landscapes are not necessarily boring, as the following images will...

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Coffin Found On Mars?

On January 4, 2015 by Tim Newman

The Mars Curiosity rover sends back to earth amazing images of Mars’ barren landscapes. It’s difficult not to feel amazed as you stare at crystal clear images of a land more than 30...

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VIDEO: Alka-Seltzer + Water Droplet In Zero Gravity

On November 16, 2014 by Tim Newman

The International Space Station (ISS) has been whizzing around planet earth for years now. It’s constantly manned by astronauts and/or scientists. They conduct a miriad of experiments 24 hours a day, 365 days a...

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The Mysterious Stone Balls Of Champ Island

On May 22, 2014 by Tim Newman

It’s easy to stick a “mysterious” or “amazing” or “mind-blowing” on the front of a title to try and garner a few extra clicks. But in this case I think my use of...

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Roscosmos On Instagram – Russia’s Space Agency Goes Social

On May 8, 2014 by Tim Newman

Roscosmos (or Roskosmos) is the Russian equivalent of NASA. As many of you will have seen, the NASA guys on the International Space Station (ISS) have recently been bang on the social media...

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Olympus Mons: The Biggest Volcano In The SOLAR SYSTEM

On November 24, 2013 by Tim Newman

Olympus Mons is a behemoth of a hillock and stands proud on the western hemisphere of Mars’ dusty red surface. It rises 22 km which is three times Everest’s height above sea level....

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Loads Of Stuff Found on Mars Inc. Iguanas, Traffic Lights And Balls

On November 9, 2013 by Tim Newman

Some of you who watch the Lazer Horse cloud more closely may be getting that tingle of de ja vu in your spleens. The precursor to this nonsense based article is here: Lizard...

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NASA VIDEO: Canyon Of Fire On The Sun

On October 26, 2013 by Tim Newman

The NASA YouTube channel is well worth a look if you fancy some chilled out/epic visuals. The video shows a magnetic filament of solar material erupting from the sun this September. The  filament...

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Chemtrails: What’s Going On And Why You Shouldn’t Worry

On June 8, 2013 by Tim Newman

If you’ve spent any time on social media, you’ve probably heard chemtrail conspiracy theories. Many of us know these people are talking nonsense, but lack the talking points to fully rebut their arguments....

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Lizard Found On Mars By Curiosity Rover

Lizard Found On Mars and Other Martian Nonsense

On May 30, 2013 by Tim Newman

A photo went up on the UFO Sightings Daily blog the other day, which “shows” a lizard on Mars. Before you laugh too hard, look at the picture below, then you can have...

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