Awesome Photos From Russia With Love June 2019

On June 1, 2019 by Tim Newman

Here we go. You know what to expect: a batch of good times from Mother Russia. Without mucking about, here we are… First up, an incredible cafe on the border of Georgia and...

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More Terrifying Playgrounds In Russia

On September 23, 2017 by Tim Newman

A while back, we published an article that showcased a glut of impressively disturbing children’s playgrounds in Russia. Today, we are proud to present the long awaited second edition. Although some of the following...

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Awesome Photos From Russia With Love: February 2017

On February 27, 2017 by Tim Newman

What’s going on in Russia this month? Well, I’ll tell you: LOADS. As ever, the motherland does not disappoint. Here’s just some crumbs from the surface. A light smattering: Ease of access #1:...

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Japanese People Sleeping In Public

On August 20, 2016 by Tim Newman

In the UK, and most other Western countries, if you see someone sleeping in public, you assume they are either drunk or homeless. Occasionally, you’ll catch people napping on the train, but most folk try...

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PHOTOS: People Attempting To Protect Their Cars From Hail

On May 21, 2016 by Tim Newman

Hail in England rarely causes any damage. Like the rest of our weather, its annoying, but not often fatal. In other parts of the world, hail can be significantly more sinister; smashing windows, denting cars,...

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Awesome Photos From Russia With Love: Part P

On January 9, 2016 by Tim Newman

Welcome back Ruski-lovers. Today’s collection is as backwards as it is forwards, as lost as it is found. We feature bears (obviously), guns (of course) and a maximum amount of major mirth (as...

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Another Bunch of Comedy Balconies (You’re Welcome)

On December 5, 2015 by Tim Newman

Recently I posted up an article showcasing 20 Comedy Balconies. Without wanting to exaggerate, the article went down like a tropical storm on Halloween. People loved it, with a capital L-O-V-E-D-I-T. To date it has had...

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Awesome Photos From Russia With Love – Part O

On September 25, 2015 by Tim Newman

As part of my never ending quest to bring you the best images from Russia, I present you Section “O”. Let me know how you like this little lot and perhaps I’ll give you...

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Awesome Photos From Russia With Love – Part M

On July 30, 2015 by Tim Newman

I am currently reading Ward Six by Chekhov. Mostly because I want to be able to tell people I’ve read some Chekhov, and Ward Six is short. Every time I pick the book...

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Awesome Photos From Russia With Love – Part J

On June 18, 2015 by Tim Newman

It’s been a while since the last installment of awesome photos from Russia With Love. So I thought it was high time to bring her back to the stables. Yesterday I wrote about the...

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