Screenshots: Impressive News Crew Fails

On December 1, 2014 by Tim Newman

Stupid News Items USA - winky

I won’t bore you with any forced preamble, there’s really no need. It’s just a bunch of screenshots from news shows across the globe (well, mostly America) where someone back stage has made a significant error.

Here we go.

Not all abbreviations are OK to use:

Stupid News Items - the white ho

Think it through people…

Stupid News Items USA - Arrival in me

He got that right:

Stupid News Items USA - bbc


Stupid News Items USA - education

Nope, that’s not where is Egypt is at all…

Stupid News Items USA - egypt has moved

Jokers backstage…

Asiana ** COMPOSITE **


Stupid News Items USA - ex-congresswoman

Well, someone is falsifying their research that’s for sure:

Stupid News Items USA - Falsify this

Kids, please remember, homes can be dangerous and you should never play with them:

Stupid News Items USA - fire destroyed

Facts are facts, people:

Stupid News Items USA - Fox facts


Stupid News Items USA - Fox Fail


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