A Small Debate With An Islamophobe

On February 23, 2015 by Louis Falasha

“EDL4” by Gavin Lynn – English Defence League march in Newcastle. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons. Racism and Islamophobia both generalize on the basis of bigotry. Xenophobic and right wing...

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A 5 Minute 5 Step Program: How To Learn Not To Vote For UKIP

On May 21, 2014 by Muelo

Usually I’m indifferent to politics. I will take a quick glance at the news every now and again, judge that there’s no way the BNP are going to get much of a following,...

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25+ Hideous Ukip Quotes

On May 19, 2014 by Tim Newman

UKIP are worryingly visible at the moment as I’m sure you can’t have failed to notice. They are being taken ever more seriously and that, for me, is terrifying. I thought I would collate...

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UKIP Immigration Poster Altered - Hysteria

Fear and Loathing in Great Britain – The UKIP Phenomenon

On May 27, 2013 by Lonesome George

I had been planning to write an article about UKIP this week, aiming to explore their views; how they promote those views; why they have become more popular and the implication for British...

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