Thorny Dragon: Incredible Looking & Supremely Talented

On June 16, 2014 by Tim Newman

The thorny dragon (Moloch horridus), also known as the mountain devil and moloch, has to be one of the strangest things that lives and breathes on our earth. It’s the last surviiving member...

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Kangaroo Vs Dog

On August 31, 2013 by Tim Newman

  This Australian video has been doing the rounds recently. Most of the media descriptions of it, and the description given by the owner of the video and dog, describe the incident a...

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Idiotic Australian Gets Eaten By Crocodile

On August 30, 2013 by Tim Newman

Everyone who knows anything about Australian wildlife knows you should just stay well away from water. Whether it’s the sea or a river you face imminent injury if you go anywhere near it....

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