The Global Selfie Project #9

On January 30, 2015 by Tim Newman

Here’s your ninth installment of the Global Selfie Project where we stare apologetically at people from across the earth. My premise is simple, I wanted to collect a selfie taken in every country, I’ve almost...

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Ice Encrusted Korean Warships Arrive In Russia

On December 24, 2014 by Tim Newman

Recently, a convoy of Korean warships arrived in Vladivostok, Russia. I’m not sure what they were up to, but I’m assuming it’s pretty nippy out there. Good, huh? MORE FROM KOREA: SOUTH KOREANS EATING...

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Lyon’s Festival Of Lights

On December 7, 2014 by Tim Newman

Each December the people of Lyon bung up a load of lights as a way of thanking Jesus’ mother Mary for saving them from the plague. Every resident puts candles in their windows and...

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The Ancient Watchtowers Of Ingushetia

On April 21, 2014 by Tim Newman

Ingushetia is one of Russia’s poorest and most restive regions. The ongoing military conflict in neighboring Chechnya has occasionally spilled into Ingushetia. Although culturally tied to Chechnya, the people of Ingushetia have not resisted Moscow’s pull so wholeheartedly....

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Russian Religious Pilgrimage: Early 1900’s

On August 7, 2013 by Tim Newman

Today I have hand wrapped some beautiful pictures taken by Maxim Petrovich Dmitriev (born 1858). The collection appears to be from some kind of religious pilgrimage but his body of work covered many aspects of Russian...

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