Awesome Photos From Russia With Love (Part C)

On August 17, 2014 by Tim Newman

Welcome to the third segment of Awesome Photos From Russia With Love. The basic idea is to hold each others hands and skip down a path paved with humorous photos taken in Russia,...

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The Global Selfie Project #3

On August 12, 2014 by Tim Newman

Welcome to part three of the Global Selfie Project. If you’ve just joined us here’s the deets: I thought trying to find one selfie from every country in the world might be entertaining, and you know what?...

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The Global Selfie Project #2

On August 9, 2014 by Tim Newman

Welcome to part 2 of the Global Selfie Project. If you missed PART 1 click there. Basically, I thought that trying to find a selfie taken in every single country might be entertaining, and you...

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The Global Selfie Project #1

On August 9, 2014 by Tim Newman

Just because ‘selfie‘ is a new word, doesn’t mean I like it. I think it’s a disgrace that such a ridiculous term could jimmy its way into the proud annals of English. Joking. I’m...

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Sole Survivors Of Airline Crashes

On August 4, 2014 by Tim Newman

If the plane you’re on is high in the sky and starts to descend at a rapid rate of knots, you know you’re in trouble. It’s rare, but it happens. Of course people...

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Awesome Photos From Russia With Love (Part A)

On July 20, 2014 by Tim Newman

The awesome photos from Russia with love series has made a move from it’s birth place in the womb of Sick Chirpse and migrated to Lazer Horse. This move is shrouded in mystery,...

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#VoteSelfie – Electoral Ink

On May 23, 2014 by Tim Newman

Officials are urging people not to take selfies whilst voting; this is to prevent them from inadvertently showing other people’s voting decisions in the background. I embarked on a Google. I assumed people would ignore the...

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Pictures Of Vladimir Putin Looking Like James Bond Action Hero Man

On July 17, 2013 by Tim Newman

Vladimir Putin, international man of mystery. These images of him posing as a bona fide action hero have spread across the known world in a flurry of testosterone. Their purpose is to appeal to manly...

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