Colugo: Amazing Asian Flying Lemur

On October 8, 2022 by Tim Newman

The name “flying lemur,” or colugo, refers to two species — the Philippine flying lemur and the Sunda flying lemur; both species preferentially live in the humid rainforests of Southeast Asia. They are the...

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Evidence Of Evolution In Action: 3 Examples Of Speciation

On May 8, 2016 by Tim Newman

In the modern world, there can’t be many scientific theories that face as much public criticism as evolution. Despite strands of evidence from multiple disciplines coalescing to sing the same tune of monkey to man,...

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Leprosy In Art: Disease And Beauty

On March 19, 2016 by Tim Newman

Leprosy is an infection caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae. Although there was, and is, an incredible amount of stigma attached to the disease, it is not particularly contagious. In fact, 95% of people are naturally...

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The Weirdest Frog Calls Ever Recorded

On January 16, 2016 by Tim Newman

Frogs have been hanging about on earth for a good long while. The oldest “proto-frog” fossil was found in Madagascar and dates back to the early Triassic (247 million years ago); but, from...

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Mysterious Fairy Circles In African Deserts

On July 22, 2015 by Tim Newman

You may have heard about the fungus-based “fairy rings” that spring up in the countryside. If you’re lucky, you might have even come across one on a sunny country ramble. The fairy circles discussed below are...

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What Is The Scientific Consensus On Global Warming?

On July 11, 2015 by Tim Newman

The debate about whether our little blue planet is heating up and, if so, whether it is our fault, has been roaring on for decades. Although I’m already convinced by the evidence, a lot of people...

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The Fin Whale – 2nd Biggest Animal On Earth

On July 8, 2015 by Tim Newman

Everyone above the age of 5 knows that the biggest creature on earth is the blue whale, not quite so many people know who comes in second place. It is in fact the...

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The History Of Life: The Devonian

On June 13, 2015 by Tim Newman

Welcome to the fourth instalment of this brief foray into the birth and progression of life on earth. I started with the Cambrian, moved onto the Ordovician followed by the Silurian. Today we...

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Antioxidant Supplements Vs. Cancer – The Truth

On June 10, 2015 by Tim Newman

As we all known, people who work for food companies like to flog their wares in any way that they can. If it is possible to infer that a product is healthy, all...

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The History Of Life: Creatures From The Silurian

On June 3, 2015 by Tim Newman

Welcome to part three of my leisurely wander through the timeline of life. Recently, I touched on the Cambrian period which led to the Ordovician, and today we’ll tackle the scintillating Silurian. The Silurian...

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