Ghoulish Underwater Graveyard Of Giant Lemurs Found In Madagascar

“Palaeopropithecus ingens” by Smokeybjb – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
Prehistoric times must’ve been terrifying. Dinosaurs, enormous hairy elephants and bumble bees the size of tanks. Well, maybe not the latter but there were definitely giant lemurs. Monkey’s the size of apes! That’s like sharks the size of Blue Whales!
An underwater giant Lemur graveyard has been discovered off the west coast of Madagascar. There are hundreds of Gorilla-sized giant Lemur fossils. Resting amongst the primitive monkey-ghouls were other extinct Madagascan natives: elephant birds, horned crocodiles, giant fossa (a carnivorous mongoose relative) as well as extinct hippos bats and rodents.
These subfossil lemurs are from Madagascar the remains date from nearly 26,000 years ago to approximately 560 years ago.
Are we allowed to clone stuff yet?
Here’s the video: