Illuminati: Hard Evidence At Last

On September 27, 2022 by Tim Newman

Deep down inside, we all know that the cult of celebrity has its beginnings and ends in Illuminati witchcraft, ceremonies, sacrifices and oil. Do we really need any more proof? I mean, it’s...

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5 Common Illuminati Symbols (And Why Not To Worry)

On May 30, 2014 by Tim Newman

First off, here’s a recap of my stance on Illuminati theories and conspiracies that abound: there is a shadowy elite that controls the world, they’re called politicians, oil barons and the rich. Are...

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Nicolai Abildgaard: Another Illuminati Old Master?

On December 28, 2013 by Tim Newman

Recently I found a short article on one of David Icke’s forums about old school painters that were, according to the author, aware of the Illuminati and reptilians. I did a short piece...

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Japan Flags Osaka Prefecture

Regional Japanese Flags: Beautiful and Unusual

On April 24, 2013 by Tim Newman

I recently published a post showcasing some of the most glorious flags of the world. This time, I’m focusing on regional flags from Japan. Japan has individual flags for each of it’s prefectures,...

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