On March 7, 2015 by Louis Falasha

 Get an Atlas, open and point at random then check out the place that chance, or the Illuminati have directed you to. This time the game takes place within The Times Concise Atlas,...

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Awesome Photos From Russia With Love: Part E

On September 7, 2014 by Tim Newman

Just some funny pictures from Russia. That is all. If you had a nice time looking at those, here’s some of the others… AWESOME PHOTOS FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE PART A AWESOME PHOTOS...

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Vladimir Chuprikov: Russian Winter Photos

On March 15, 2014 by Tim Newman

Vladimir Chuprikov is a Russian photographer. He took these pictures near the town of Perm in Russia. Just so you know, Perm is in the Urals. The pictures look made up and too...

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Russian Street Art

On December 29, 2013 by Tim Newman

Street art seems to arrive wherever there’s a street. Regardless of the language or culture the occupants of the street have, it won’t be long before someone draws on the walls. Even our cave dwelling...

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Russian Religious Pilgrimage: Early 1900’s

On August 7, 2013 by Tim Newman

Today I have hand wrapped some beautiful pictures taken by Maxim Petrovich Dmitriev (born 1858). The collection appears to be from some kind of religious pilgrimage but his body of work covered many aspects of Russian...

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