Awesome Photos From Russia With Love: September 2018

On September 9, 2018 by Tim Newman

Welcome to September 2018’s fun-packed edition of Awesome Photos From Russia With Love. It’s been a while since I’ve dipped into the Ruski’s mighty bag of humorous wonders, so this is a bumper...

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Japanese People Sleeping In Public

On August 20, 2016 by Tim Newman

In the UK, and most other Western countries, if you see someone sleeping in public, you assume they are either drunk or homeless. Occasionally, you’ll catch people napping on the train, but most folk try...

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Awesome Photos From Russia With Love – Part S

On May 14, 2016 by Tim Newman

Here you are. Another bunch of the best of the best as far as funny Russian photographs from Russia are concerned. Get your guns out, pop a dram of Vodka in your face...

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Impressive Design Flaws, DIY Errors & Fix-IT Fails

On September 5, 2015 by Tim Newman

Everyone loves a spot of DIY, well, actually, it seems to me that most people absolutely hate it… well, I do any way. I CAN NOT bare it. So if I have to do...

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Cosplay Mega Fails

On May 5, 2014 by Tim Newman

Cosplay is a massive thing nowadays, and whenever there’s something that loads of people do regularly, there’s bound to be individuals who are rubbish at it. Below is a collection of guys and gals who’ve...

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Will No One Shake François Hollande’s Hand?

On January 4, 2014 by Tim Newman

Well, it looks like the answer to the question in the title is “no”. (Click image above to enlarge.) I was actually looking on a Russian site when I found them reporting this...

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Incredibly Bad Eyebrows: A Disturbing Photo Collection

On November 3, 2013 by Tim Newman

FACT OF THE DAY: Most people have eyebrows. There’s no finesse or deep meaning to this post. It’s just an opportunity to snigger at other people’s misdirected hair trimming. I make no apologies....

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Awful Singing Reminds Me Why I Love The Internet

On October 4, 2013 by Tim Newman

Yesterday I decided to write an article on tone deafness, or congenital amusia, then in the end I couldn’t be bothered to write it because there wasn’t much exciting stuff about it and/or...

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Another News Crew Blunder That Includes Swears

On June 25, 2013 by Tim Newman

I love it when news crews mess up. Everyone does, and thankfully they always make it on to viral video sites for me to look at. If Tony Robinson accidentally swore on Time...

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