Awesome Photos From Russia With Love: Social Media Special Edition

On September 25, 2015 by Tim Newman

Here’s another addition of Awesome Photos From Russia With Love. Today’s gaggle of amazingness comes from social media networks across Russia and other ex-Soviet countries. I’d like to begin this post with some...

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RAD Photos From The California Skate Scene In The 70’s

On September 12, 2015 by Tim Newman

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Dimitri Tsykalov Makes Fruit, Veg & Meat Into Flesh & Bone

On September 12, 2015 by Tim Newman

Dimitri Tsykalov is a Moscow born artist who lives and works in Paris. He’s a more than able sculptor using the traditional medium of wood, but he also has some impressive skills in the...

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Clouds Casting 1000 Mile Shadows From Space

On September 11, 2015 by Tim Newman

NASA’s International Space Station has brought us earthlings some of the most awesome photographs of our planet ever taken. Chris Hadley pinged a myriad of wonders back to earth during his stay in...

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Beautiful Long Exposure Photos Of Fireflies By Yume Cyan

On September 10, 2015 by Tim Newman

Yume Cyan recently spent some quality time in the forests around Nagoya City, Japan. Yume took along a camera, set the aperture to low and the exposure to long. Bish bash bosh, some...

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Great News: North Dakota Legalises The Use Of Armed Drones By Police

On September 10, 2015 by Tim Newman

You would have thought that a country with a police force that’s forever in the news for killing or maiming innocent people might want to keep a low profile as far as new...

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20 Comedy Balconies

On September 6, 2015 by Tim Newman

If, like me, you weren’t aware of just how hilarious a balcony could actually be, you’ll like the following images. I am here to inform you that yes indeed, balconies can be a source of...

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Clarisse d’Arcimoles: The People Of Burma

On September 5, 2015 by Tim Newman

Burma, or Myanmar, is a country which has been closed off to the world at large for decades. The military junta and corrupt regime finally ended in 2012; the people are still crushingly poor...

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Impressive Design Flaws, DIY Errors & Fix-IT Fails

On September 5, 2015 by Tim Newman

Everyone loves a spot of DIY, well, actually, it seems to me that most people absolutely hate it… well, I do any way. I CAN NOT bare it. So if I have to do...

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Exquisite 16th Century “Catacomb Saints” – Bones & Jewels

On September 5, 2015 by Tim Newman

Paul Koudounaris is an author and photographer from LA with a sly eye for the macabre and a PhD in Art History from UCLA. He has travelled extensively around Europe unearthing some of the most...

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