Amazing Weather Records: Rain

On May 22, 2015 by Tim Newman

This is the second installment of impressive weather records. Last time I covered temperature and this time it is the turn of our old foe: rain. I hate rain. It’s my least favourite...

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Climate Change: The Almighty Elephant In The Deeply Fragile Room

On May 16, 2015 by Lonesome George

Global warming: virtually everyone accepts it is happening and that it will inevitably result in dire consequences for humanity and other life on this planet. Most people accept the overwhelming weight of evidence...

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Kiribati: A Sinking Paradise Counting Down The Hours

On September 5, 2013 by Tim Newman

Kiribati is an island nation famous for lying close to the date line and, consequently, being the first to greet each new year, but that’s generally where their fame stops; until recently. Kiribati is now at...

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Kivalina – Climate Change’s Next Victim

On July 31, 2013 by Tim Newman

Whenever a debate starts up about whether us dirty humans are influencing global temperatures I always make myself scarce. Many people roll head long into the fray with their verbal fists flying, but...

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Chemtrails: What’s Going On And Why You Shouldn’t Worry

On June 8, 2013 by Tim Newman

If you’ve spent any time on social media, you’ve probably heard chemtrail conspiracy theories. Many of us know these people are talking nonsense, but lack the talking points to fully rebut their arguments....

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