Awesome Photos From Russia With Love: Part X

On October 9, 2016 by Tim Newman

What lies below is another mixed bag of Russian wonders. From turtle impressions to thoughtless dogs via military japes and vodka-fuelled fun. There’s even a couple of musk oxen thrown in for good measure....

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Awesome Photos From Russia With Love (Part C)

On August 17, 2014 by Tim Newman

Welcome to the third segment of Awesome Photos From Russia With Love. The basic idea is to hold each others hands and skip down a path paved with humorous photos taken in Russia,...

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More Perfectly Timed Photos

On August 6, 2014 by Tim Newman

The internet is awash with so called “perfectly timed” images. So I’m sorry if you feel I am short changing you in the content department. But I got sent these the other day...

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People Having A Worse Day Than You

On June 29, 2014 by Tim Newman

The internet’s full of schadenfreude based mirth and this little set made me do a literal LOL. I hope they get you literally ROFLing with a couple of WTFs in there for good...

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