Julien Douvier’s Rather Swish Animated Photography

On April 16, 2015 by Tim Newman

Julien Douvier animates photography. It’s a terribly modern type of art I suppose, but it works so darned nicely that I’m inclined to go along with it. The best thing is, Douvier’s animated pics are GIFs,...

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Jean Bourdichon: An Unsung Master Of The Middle Ages

On January 10, 2015 by Tim Newman

Jean Bourdichon (1457 or 1459 – 1521) was a miniature painter and manuscript illuminator at the court of France between the end of the 15th century and the start of the 16th. He...

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Traffic Sign Alterations By Clet Abraham

On October 26, 2014 by Tim Newman

Clet Abraham is a classically trained artist from a country called France. His medium is traffic signs. I can’t really say anything clever about what he’s done because I’m too hungover, so I’ll just...

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Ferdinand Cheval: The Postman That Made Palaces From Pebbles

On March 2, 2014 by Tim Newman

Ferdinand Cheval (1836-1924) was a postman by day and a pebble-dashing architectural artist by night. One day he literally stumbled on a strangely shaped stone, picked it up and took it home. From...

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