Another Fight In Taiwanese Parliament

On August 5, 2013 by Tim Newman

Just a few weeks ago there was a rumble in the Taiwanese houses of parliament. I wish our politicians cared as much about our policies. Today’s video is a ruckus about nuclear power....

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Mass Brawl In Taiwanese Parliament For A Change

On June 26, 2013 by Tim Newman

There’s nothing like a good scrap between people that should know better to get the pulse racing. Youtube is chock-a-block with chav fights and drunken brawls, but they make me feel horrible to...

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Assad Syria Peace Sign

Syria: Why We Must Stop The War

On June 14, 2013 by Lonesome George

The sad escalation of the war in Syria has taken another step forward with the USA announcing it will start to openly supply weapons to the Syrian anti-government forces. The reasons I oppose...

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