China’s Biggest Ghost Town: Ordos

On December 19, 2015 by Tim Newman

China, booming on the one hand, failing on the other. It’s been a meteoric rise to riches for the Chinese, and if you make a lot of changes in a small amount of time, you’re...

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China Build Copy Cat English Town Called Thames Town

On September 11, 2013 by Tim Newman

You may remember a post I recently published covering a Chinese town, built to look like Paris that had become a ghost town. Here’s a similar story, but this time it’s called ‘Thames Town’ and...

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Fake Paris Built In China Has Become Ghost Town

On August 19, 2013 by Tim Newman

Welcome to Tianducheng, China. Situated just outside Hangzhou in East China’s Zhejiang Province, this small residential area is essentially a ghost town. The Zhejiang Guangsha Co. Ltd took it upon themselves to build a miniature Paris in the...

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