Beautiful Mandalas And Their Meaning

On November 14, 2015 by Louis Falasha

My introduction to the Mandala concept was after watching a film called Samsara, made by the same guy that made Baraka. There’s a scene where Tibetan monks are all kneeling around working on...

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Alva Noto And Ryuichui Sakamoto – A Bizarre Collaboration

On November 14, 2015 by Louis Falasha

Alva Noto is a German visual and audio artist. He makes what he calls ‘error music’, a technique that involves recording electronic audio errors and splicing them together. Rather than sampling the sounds...

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Arvo Pärt & Tintinnabuli: Big Sounding Minimal Music

On October 24, 2015 by Louis Falasha

Arvo Pärt is a minimalist composer from Estonia who invented a composition style called Tintinnabuli. The style consists of two voices, or notes playing two separate melodies in time and in key with each other....

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Drums And Shadows. Hypnotising Phonetics

On October 24, 2015 by Louis Falasha

In the 1930s, a group of workers on the Georgia Writers Project spent time interviewing elderly Negroes, living in the rural and archaic townships scattered around the outskirts of Savannah, Georgia. Most interviewees...

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Sun Ra Was One Cosmic Brother

On October 24, 2015 by Louis Falasha

Sun Ra was a Jazz band composer/bandleader from Alabama who claimed to be of the ‘Angel Race’ from Saturn. I’ve been hooked on this album of his for a few months:    ...

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Time: What Is It? And Why Do I Never Have Any?

On June 15, 2015 by Louis Falasha

Big old unanswerable questions, I know. But sometimes amongst the inanity of general life, I get slapped in the chops by a sense of duty to have a butchers at things that might...

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The Sungazer Dragon: The Real Smaug

On March 12, 2015 by Louis Falasha

“Cordylus giganteus” by Wilfried Berns / – de: Bild:Riesenguertelschweif-21.jpg. Licensed under CC BY 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons. Smaug Giganteus aka The Sungazer aka The Giant Girdled Lizard aka THE COOLEST LOOKING DUDE...

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On March 7, 2015 by Louis Falasha

 Get an Atlas, open and point at random then check out the place that chance, or the Illuminati have directed you to. This time the game takes place within The Times Concise Atlas,...

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Hilarious And Worrying Comments From Right Wing Social Media Pages #2

On March 7, 2015 by Louis Falasha

“Oleg popov2” by Patrick Glanz – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons. I was watching that film ‘Inglorious Basterds’ the other night. I thought the Basterds, a group of...

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Black Metal Mentalists. Tales Of Torture, Suicide and Murder.

On March 5, 2015 by Louis Falasha

By Marieke Kuijjer [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons Art imitating life and life imitating art can be massive factors in the development of cult-media popularity. It’s interesting how some rappers, for...

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