Awesome Photos From Russia: Bonus Collection

On October 17, 2014 by Tim Newman

Russia has a lot going on. Its lands are wider than the diameter of Pluto. It has mega rich, it has ultra poor. It has clement environments, it has harsh environments. Russia borders Europe, it nestles...

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Narwhal: The Mighty Sword Wielding ‘Corpse Whale’

On June 27, 2014 by Tim Newman

The narwhal is a gnarly looking guy by all accounts. Not many people get to see them because they only live in the Spartan northerly seas of Greenland, Canada and Russia. There are...

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Wrangel Island, Russia: Stunning Wildlife Photos

On December 7, 2013 by Tim Newman

Wrangel Island is no venue for a beach holiday, not if you want to survive, anyway. Saying it’s “a bit nippy” would be the mother of all understatements. Wrangel Island sits, shimmering in the Arctic...

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Pictures Of Vladimir Putin Looking Like James Bond Action Hero Man

On July 17, 2013 by Tim Newman

Vladimir Putin, international man of mystery. These images of him posing as a bona fide action hero have spread across the known world in a flurry of testosterone. Their purpose is to appeal to manly...

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Masters Of Nature Photography - Anup Shah,Bai Hokou, Dzanga-Sangha Dense Forest Special, Reserve, Central African Republic - Gorilla and Butterfly

Amazing Collection Of Wildlife Photography Champions

On July 16, 2013 by Tim Newman

The following snaps are all featured in a book called “The Masters of Nature Photography” published by my old pals The Natural History Museum, London. All of them are past winners of the coveted...

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