Naoto Matsumura: Guardian Of Fukushima’s Radioactive Animals

On March 21, 2015 by Tim Newman

Naoto Matsumura was a resident of Fukushima when the devastating earthquake of 2011 hit. As we all know, people were required to exit Fukushima quick smart due to the massive smash-up that was...

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Pictures Of Chernobyl Taken From Belarus

On May 3, 2014 by Tim Newman

Chernobyl is generally considered a Russian tragedy; however, the country of Belarus was worst hit. As with the Russian town of Prypiat, much of Belarus is still off limits. Chernobyl was, and is,...

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Prypiat Wildlife: The Animals That Survived Chernobyl

On October 27, 2013 by Tim Newman

The Chernobyl incident of 1986 left a lasting poisonous shroud over hundreds of square kilometres of land. The 60 km circle that surrounds the plant is lovingly titled “the zone of alienation.” The area is deserted,...

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