Mental Monster B-Movie Mayhem

On May 17, 2014 by Tim Newman

There’s been a spate of strange monster movies come out over the last few years. I guess with production and graphic costs dropping, there’s more scope for low budget B-Movie makers to get creative....

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Retro Bollywood Horror Film Posters

On May 2, 2014 by Tim Newman

Bollywood is much more famous for its bold colours, snazzy dancing and sickeningly emotive music than it is for blood curdling screams and wolverines. But here are some film posters that tell the...

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Tesco Sell Horror Colouring Book To Kids: Colour Me Good Arrggghhhh!

On July 3, 2013 by Tim Newman

Tesco have ended up doing some apologising this week as they put on sale a wholly inappropriate colouring book for kids. The book which consists of images from famous horror films said that...

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