Offline Goes Online: Real-World Activities That Have Gone Digital

On January 10, 2018 by Muelo

As we move into 2018 (and all the wonderful things I fully expect to happen), a strange thought has started to manifest; could this be the year that we go digital? Now, I’m...

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Lazer Horse’s Predictions For 2018

On December 30, 2017 by Tim Newman

2017 has been a delinquent, curmudgeonly kind of a year. But then, they all are. With billions of idiots jostling for position on earth, we’re not likely to experience a smooth ride, are we? A swarm of shaven apes with delusions...

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North Korea’s Architectural Future?

On July 5, 2014 by Tim Newman

A company called Koryo Tours that organise trips to North Korea have come up with a neat little viral ad campaign. They gave a project to an architect working in the Pyongyang based at Paektusan Architectural Institute. They...

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