Cordyceps: The Most Brutal Of Fungi

On December 19, 2014 by Tim Newman

Cordyceps are a group of around 400 different fungi species. The majority of this legion of fungi are insect parasites (entomopathogenic) and destroy their victims in the most blood-curdling and brutal way. They take...

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Saiga Antelope: Strange & Almost Extinct

On December 1, 2014 by Tim Newman

When I first saw a photo of a saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica) I had to do a Google image search immediately to make sure it was an actual real thing. I had no idea...

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Mobula Ray: The Jumping Bean Of The Sea

On May 26, 2014 by Tim Newman

Meet The Mobula Ray Mobula ray (Mobula mobular), also known as flying ray, devil fish and my favourite – giant devilray, are huge epipelagic batoids. Basically underwater bats. They aren’t well understood and are relatively unstudied....

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