Clarisse d’Arcimoles: The People Of Burma

On September 5, 2015 by Tim Newman

Clarisse d’Arcimoles - People Of Burma - Serenity

Burma, or Myanmar, is a country which has been closed off to the world at large for decades. The military junta and corrupt regime finally ended in 2012; the people are still crushingly poor but things are changing. As Burma slowly opens their borders to allow the wider population to visit and enjoy their bountiful wildlife, the people of Burma’s lives are set for monumental change. The country’s first democratic election is set for November 2015, fingers crossed it is non-corrupt and peaceful.

As with any country which opens its gates to foreign people and their cash, it beckons a multitude of positives and negatives. D’Arcimoles, a French photographer, took some time to photograph the people of Burma before their universe is changed for ever:

I wanted to document life in Burma by capturing a visual time capsule of the country, a country largely closed off from the outside world and largely untouched, but not for much longer.

Clarisse travelled extensively through Burma, using connections she had made on previous travels to enter places which would normally be off limits to foreigners. The photos she has produced are beautiful, peaceful and poignant. Click here for more of her work.

The future is uncertain but hope is strong. It can’t be worse than it has been:

Clarisse d’Arcimoles - People Of Burma - Young Boy Clarisse d’Arcimoles - People Of Burma - View Clarisse d’Arcimoles - People Of Burma - Temple Clarisse d’Arcimoles - People Of Burma - Mother And Child Clarisse d’Arcimoles - People Of Burma - Lady Clarisse d’Arcimoles - People Of Burma - Girl Clarisse d’Arcimoles - People Of Burma - Family Clarisse d’Arcimoles - People Of Burma - Artist CT 003





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