Alternative Medicine In Kazakhstan

Do I think alternative therapies work? Yes, of course they do, the placebo effect is like a magical immune system tornado. Many people swear by alternative therapies and pay good money to be treated by nonsense. But yes, it often does work. Especially if the patient hasn’t got much wrong with them physically i.e. it’s the upstairs room that isn’t furnished, if you get what I mean? You know? The candle’s burning but the mouse is asleep…. yes?

Leeches were all the rage in the medieval era and there’s no reason why they won’t come back (just like maggots did recently). So perhaps I’ll be laughing on the other side of my migraine/ sprained calf this time next century.

What people do with their cash is none of my business, but I do think it’s a touch daft. But then at £4 a pint, it’s pretty daft to be drinking pints, but I still do that so maybe I shouldn’t be judging. (There is a guaranteed benefit effect from a pint though).

Regardless of opinion on alternative medicine, I love this photo collection gathered in one of Kazakhstan’s alternative medicine clinics: