The Big Players In Europe’s Political Far Right

EDL, BNP, UKIP, all worryingly familiar names in British politics nowadays. Due to economic changes and social issues at home and abroad the far right in Britain and Europe at large is having a frightening resurgence. ISIS beheadings and Pakistani paedophile rings in the north of England have cemented racist party lines.

I’ve got no problem with people being “proud” of their country, I don’t personally understand it, but I can sort of get why people might be proud of where they live. The problem really comes when people aren’t prepared to share their home with people of other nationalities. Or, as is becoming more prevalent, are actively being violent and abusive towards people of other faiths and colours.

Us Europeans must try and remember that we took over the vast majority of the world at one point so it would be a bit rich to expect everyone to leave our countries now that we’ve finally given them back theirs. Populations have always moved across the world. Humans like to think they own the planet, but they don’t they’re just visiting.

So I thought I’d put together a short list of some of the most vocal, modern right-wing parties in Europe and some quotes from eminent members. My aim I suppose is to show the parties’ true colours. I know for a fact that many UKIP voters, for instance, weren’t really aware of the connotations of their votes. These modern right-wing parties nearly all shy away from being called fascists and racists but people need to know who they are voting into power. And also, that this is no small problem Europe is facing.

France – Front National

Founded in 1972 Front National are still going strong with 70,000 members. The party’s founder Jean-Marie Le Pen has been succeeded by his daughter Marine Le Pen who has made it her job to “clean up” FN’s image. She’s done a rubbish job.

The National Front received 4,712,461 votes in the 2014 European Parliament election, finishing first with 24.86% of the vote and 24 of France’s 74 seats. Scary.

Quote from Jean-Marie Le Pen:

I’m not saying that the gas chambers didn’t exist. I couldn’t see them myself.

Anne-Sophie Leclere, the FN candidate for Rethel in the northeastern Ardennes region got herself in hot water when she compared French Justice Minister, Christiane Taubira (pictured above) to a monkey. She’d posted a picture of a monkey with the text “at 18 months” and then a picture of Taubira with “now” written underneath. The less than sparkling Leclere defended her actions…

(it has) nothing to do with racism… a monkey remains an animal while a black is a human… To be honest, I’d rather see her in the branches of a tree than in the government. Quite frankly, she’s a savage when she arrives with a devilish grin. But it’s not racist

– errr… yes it is. The monkey episode didn’t do Marine Le Pen’s gang any favours, but she’s no angel herself. Earlier this year she compared Muslims praying in the streets to the Nazi occupation. That’s a bit over the top don’t you think? Here’s another of Le Pen the junior’s quote…

Tolerance? What does that mean? I am a very tolerant and hospitable person, like you. Would you accept 12 illegal immigrants moving into your flat? You would not! On top of that, they start to remove the wallpaper! Some of them would steal your wallet and brutalise your wife. You would not accept that! Consequently, we are hospitable, but we decide with whom we want to be.

Germany – National Democratic Party

Founded in 1964 the NDP are lead by Udo Pastörs (above). Of the right wing parties in Europe these guys are less popular but more brazen in their racism. The NDP have been described as “the most significant neo-Nazi party to emerge after 1945″. They parade under banners with slogans like “Money for granny instead of Sinti and Roma” and “the boat is full”.

They haven’t yet crossed the 5% voting threshold to get representation in the Bundestag, thankfully.

In a speech on February 25, 2009, Pastörs referred to Germany as a “Jew republic,” to Turkish-German men as “semen cannons,” and to Alan Greenspan as a “hook-nose.” A local court found him guilty of “incitement of popular hatred” in May 2010, sentencing him to a suspended sentence of ten months and a €6,000 fine.


Greece – Golden Dawn

Golden Dawn have arguably had more press than the other parties mentioned here. As Greece lumbers out of the economic tsunami it’s left with a lot of angry and desperate people, some of which, it seems, are finding solace in racism.

The party claims to be non-criminal and non-Nazi but… they kind of are though. They praise Nazi big players from WWII and use the swastika liberally, so…

Golden Dawn are the third biggest party in Greece despite many of their senior members being locked up in jail for being part of criminal organizations. In 2014 they got almost 10% of the country’s votes.

An off shoot of Golden Dawn – Galazia Stratia – busy themselves with policing Greek football games, basically beating up fans that are “disrespectful of Greece”. Whether directly involved or only by association there have been numerous murders and beatings under the Golden Dawn banner.

Golden Dawn’s Secretary General Nikolaos Michaloliakos (above) is no Snow White… Following the fatal stabbing of anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas in 2013, Michaloliakos was arrested along with several other Golden Dawn members on the charges of being involved in a criminal organization. The charges brought against him included murder, extortion, and involvement in the disappearance of up to 100 immigrants. He currently remains in jail awaiting trial.

Hungary – Jobbik

Jobbik from Hungary managed 14.7% of the votes in 2009 and 3 MEPs. They want there to be an official Jewish register in their country so that Jews can be tracked and accounted for at all times –

I think such a conflict makes it timely to tally up people of Jewish ancestry who live here, especially in the Hungarian Parliament and the Hungarian government, who, indeed, pose a national security risk to Hungary.

Sandor Porzse (below), a prominent member of Jobbik, told a French website in a 2012 interview that Hungarians “are victims of a Jewish conspiracy to colonise our land and rob our resources”.

In 2014 Tibor Ágoston, the deputy chairman of Jobbik’s Debrecen and Hajdú-Bihar County organisation, referred to the Holocaust as “holoscam”.

Italy – Lega Nord

Lega Nord in Italy, a nation which has struggled with racism for many years, get 6% of votes. One of its ex-MEPs let this pretty unbelievable quote loose on the general public… “Africa hasn’t produced great geniuses as anyone can see from a Mickey Mouse encyclopaedia,”

Continued on next page…

Finland – True Finns

This group haven’t done as well in recent elections as was expected, but they’re still well known in their home country. Their MP James Hirvisaari (above) got himself in trouble with the courts when he went on a mad anti-Islamic rant on his blog which included the following…

Are we supposed to understand and accept the crimes of these brutes who are controlled by their primitive urges? I think we should harshly condemn them, their crimes and their criminal jungle culture.

Their current leader Timo Soini (above) says that…

I am a Catholic Christian. By definition I cannot be a racist.


Soini also had this to say…

It may be good if the EU gets so big that it can no longer function – it will be like a rat with its hypothalamus removed, who keeps eating until it explodes.


More quotes for you now. Klaus Elovaara, a former True Finns politician from Tampere, discusses realpolitik…

Concentration camps for queers might work, but the guards should be staunch supporters of the hetero cause. I’m sure we could find a good number of volunteers who own bloodhounds for the job. The guards should be heavily armed and permitted to open fire if needed.

Ari Kajan, a True Finns politician from Vihti, discusses sexual fantasies…

Not everybody is down on their knees licking n*gger ass.

Juha Parkkila, a former True Finns politician from Haapajärvi, discusses linear progression and inner growth…

I started out with being a Nazi, then moved on to racism.

So all in all, a bunch of utter cretins by the looks of things.

Austria – Austrian Freedom

Austrian Freedom have 4 MEPs and around a fifth of the votes in Austria. Leader Heinz-Christian Strache (above) was quoted earlier this year saying –

If there are immigrants, from Turkey, who complain there is a cross hanging in the classroom at school, then I say to them: ‘go back home’.

Strache also had a prestigious award retracted after saying, ‘We are the new Jews,’ in response to protesters who heckled guests arriving at an event on International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Denmark – Danish People’s Party

Denmark – Danish People’s Party, formed in 1995, are lead by Kristian Thulesen Dahl. The DPP managed to secure more than 12% of the Danish votes in 2011.

In a response to the criticism from the Swedish government, former party leader Pia Kjærsgaard of the DPP (above) said:

If they want to turn Stockholm, Gothenburg or Malmö into a Scandinavian Beirut, with clan wars, honour killings and gang rapes, let them do it. We can always put a barrier on the Øresund Bridge.

They caused another stink with their depictions of Muhammed on their 2007 election poster. They read “Freedom of speech is Danish, censorship is not”, and “We stand our ground on Danish values”…

Assorted quotes… MP Jesper Langballe, Speech from the podium of Danish Parliament 2002…

Islam is a plague upon Europe.

MEP Mogens Camre, Danish People’s Party’s annual meeting 2004…

Let me say it clearly: Muslims should live in Muslim-Country, and this is not here.

MP Søren Krarup, Berlingske Tidende 2005…

Where Christianity rules, matters are related to the love of the things that one holds dear. On the other hand, where Islam rules, matters are related to a higher selfrightousness which logically culminates in an all consuming hatred and a scary urge to exterminate other people.

Holland – Dutch Party For Freedom

The Dutch Party For Freedom have four seats in the EU parliament. At a rally their leader Geert Wilders (above and below) shouted “Do you want more or less Moroccans in this city and this country?” his minions returned with “Less! Less!” “We’ll arrange that,” he replied. He’s currently on trial for inciting violence.

Wilders looks like a cross between David Dickinson and Boris Johnson don’t you think?

I’ve just picked out a small number of the leading groups across Europe, of course there are many more to worry about across our crazy continent. There’s little we can all do about it I guess, except vote sensibly when the time comes and make sure your friends and families do the same.