Dimitri Tsykalov Makes Fruit, Veg & Meat Into Flesh & Bone

Dimitri Tsykalov is a Moscow born artist who lives and works in Paris. He’s a more than able sculptor using the traditional medium of wood, but he also has some impressive skills in the art of food sculpting.

Tsykalov takes fruit and turns them into skulls and reforms meat back into anatomical structures. There’s a cold hard humour about the whole thing, but at the same time it makes uncomfortable viewing for some reason.

As ever, the art means much more to the artist and art critics than it does to me because I am a Luddite.

But incase you are in tune with the ebb and flow of artistry, Tsykalov said the following during an interview with IDOL magazine when asked whether he was surprised at the attention the vegetable skulls got from the general press:

The press moves in mysterious ways. You never know which piece of art will be noticed. The skull images play on the traditional meaning of the still life, as a reminder of the transience of life and the inevitability of death. The vegetable skulls represent a contemporary interpretation of the nature morte, and contain an ecological message- as well as a criticism of our consumer society- in which huge amounts of food is wasted. I have always been interested in using art as a way to investigate our society.

If you’re wondering how he gets so much precision into fruit, veg and meat:

First, i carefully choose my materials; fruits, vegetables or meat on the basis of size, ripeness and colour. Carving the fruits is a delicate and meticulous process that requires surgical precision. I use the electric drill, saw, axe, spoon, scalpel, pincers, cotton wool pads and kitchen knife. As far as the creation of the fruit skulls goes, three processes are involved – carving, oxidation and photography.

When asked what art “movement” he was part of, Tsykalov said:

I do not belong to any movement. I’m the only one responsible for what i’m doing!

And when asked to give a young artists advice he says:

Be patient. Only the first 80 years are difficult.

Tsykalo Official Site

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