Lyon’s Festival Of Lights

Each December the people of Lyon bung up a load of lights as a way of thanking Jesus’ mother Mary for saving them from the plague. Every resident puts candles in their windows and as many as 4 million people show up to revel in the gaudy splendor, making it the third biggest festive gathering in the world after Oktoberfest and the Rio Carnival.

The plague showed up at Lyon’s doorstep in 1643, the holy men promised to pay tribute to Mary if she spared the town. Mary decided she would spare the town and from then on the festival of lights has been held yearly to show that the people of Lyon have not forgotten her actions.

It’s a shame people in other European villages didn’t think to ask Mary for help, there could have been a lot less death if everyone had simply requested Mary’s assistance. Shame really, I’m surprised they didn’t think of that.

Oh well, nice pictures any way.