Wind Instrument Madness #1 – TNGHT Higher Ground “Flute Drop” version

This new years eve for me was relatively pain free. Generally it’s a time of year I dread: I’m normally spooled unrelentingly into social discourse for many painful hours. This year, dare I say it, was pleasant. Why do I mention my new years habits, moans and dislikes? Well, it was this new year that I was introduced to a track that I’ve had on repeat for the last week or so.

It’s by an outfit called TNGHT who consist of Hudson Mohawke and Lunice. It was brought to my attention by the legendary Nomadic Sound System man. If you haven’t heard the track Higher Ground before, here it is, and if you have heard it before then skip below and continue reading please…



So, that’s not why I’m writing this. This next next version of Higher Ground is the reason I’m writing this. This “flute drop” version of the track is 100% ripper. Here you are:


Well, I hope that cracked a smile? It sort of reminds me of this orchestra fail video that went viral a while ago. You know you want to hear it again: