Human Ingenuity & Problem Solving At Its Best

This post is a high five to humans. It’s a tribute to that capacity to make do and mend that gave us the hand down from the trees we needed and allowed us to break free from the twisted circle of life.

We all stand tall in the animal’s kingdom with our comparatively huge brain cases and opposable thumbs that are the envy of our more hirsute cousins.

Hold your left arm in the salute position as you scroll merrily to the bottom. Humanity may not be doomed after all, not with genius like this in our ranks. No sir…

Lost the front wheel to your bike and need to do a weekly shop? No problem:

Don’t want to/can’t afford to go to the gym? No problem:

Smashed your wing mirror but don’t know how to fix it and don’t want to be intimidated by mechanics at the local garage? No problem:

Got a melon to share but no knives? No problem:

Luke warm Champagne and no fridge or ice? What a nightmare! Stop right there. It’s no problem:

Aaaagghhh.. salami without a knife at the summer picnic?! Has anyone got an old CD drive? Ah great. No problem then:

Has your Mum told you to turn your music off, but you’re having a lovely time? No problem:

Desperate for that real feel of driving a car but only have a small iPhone screen? No problem:

More celebration of humanity on the next page…

Are you yearning for cornflakes with hot milk just like you nan used to make but you don’t have a stove? No problem:

Pizza but no oven? No problem:

Those crafty English with their right hand drive cars. How are you supposed to adjust on a short visit? No problem:

Noodles but no bowl? No problem (personally I would have eaten them out of the pan, but whatever):

Got an embaressingly crappy car? No problem:

Kids picking on you at school because you have’t got a lap top? No problem:

Bored? No problem:

You don’t like really hot or really cold water? No problem:


See? With skills like that how can we fail?