Amazing Pencil Art By Dalton Ghetti

Pencil art, hey? Yeah, art made out of pencils, that’s right.

Dalton Ghetti is a Brazilian fella, born and raised in Sao Paulo who moved to the US of A when he was in his 20’s. He works as a carpenter/house remodeler and as a way of meditating and relaxing he sharpens pencils in the most skilled way known to man.

He got some kid’s metal tools when he was 9 and has been carving the bejeebus out of bits and bobs ever since. As the following pictures show you, he’s rather adept at it nowadays.

Ghetti started off carving large things, but he always had a fascination with insects and mosses and all things small, so he decided to try and make the smallest carvings still visible to the naked eye. He picked up a pencil and the rest is history.

Most of the pencils Dalton uses are ones he’s found discarded in the street. He chips away very, very slowly for just one or two hours at a time taking months over each piece.

Dalton does this for the love of it. It soothes him, and as such he doesn’t ever sell his work. It’s for him, I like that. If I had any skills as good as his I would flog it for all it was worth, because I am a filthy money grabbing low life.

The 9/11 tragedy effected Dalton Ghetti emotionally so he set to work carving 3000 tears out of pencil graphite. He carved a new tear nearly every day for 10 years, each taking an hour to craft. Now there’s a labour of love, people.