Terrible Tattoo Awards 2014: The Top Ten Most Bewildering Tattoos

Fantastic, terrifying, disturbing, genius. Someone somewhere thought that getting these things permanently tattooed on themselves was a great idea. I’m very glad that they thought it was a good idea and shared their shame with the www; I hope you will enjoy their faux pas too.

In case you didn’t realise, tattoos are actually permanent, I’m not sure that the following candidates knew that before embarking on the procedure. Surely they wouldn’t have gone through with these monstrosities had they known they don’t rinse off in warm water?:

10th place:

Comments: Cats! Bewildering yet nicely symmetrical.

Regret factor: 6

9th place:

Comments: Pleasing contrast between cute hamster and dismembered finger.

Regret factor: 7

8th place:

Comments: Run-of-the-mill angel wings with brilliantly accidental phallus.

Regret factor: 8

7th place:

Comments: A fish, with legs, wearing fishnet tights and having a really nice time.

Regret factor: 7

6th place:

Comments: If you say something often enough, maybe someone somewhere will eventually believe you.

Regret factor: 8

5th place:

Comments:  Alarming and really badly drawn.

Regret factor: 8

4th place:

Comments: Dickhead.

Regret factor: 9

3rd place:

Comments:  Phallic, bewildering, confusing.

Regret factor: 6

2nd place:

Comments:  Terrifying. Is it Fred West?

Regret factor: 7

1st place:

Comments:  An owl with boobs, what’s not to love?

Regret factor: 9