Chad Roberts’ Incredible Beard Skills

I had the pleasure of going the International Beard and Moustache championships when they were held in Brighton around 20 years ago. It was a true joy.

There was military garb, musketeer regalia, and fur hats. Today, I came across some pictures of a young IT Administrator called Chad Roberts with a beard over 30 cm long from Richmond, Virginia.

He is both the RVA Beard League President and Founder. The league is a community project that’s raised tens of thousands of dollars for charities.

On his official profile page, which has since been taken down, there were some deep, delving questions. For instance, when asked who would look better with facial hair, he answered Optimus Prime, which is a great answer, and also the truth.

Look at this chap and feel the beard envy. I think the beer holder version is my fave, not sure why?

Two decades on, and Chad Roberts is still President of the RVA Beard League. According to him, beards are going from strangth to strength. He told RVA Mag: “I’ve seen more guys sporting beards since the pandemic than before. Just walk around any part of town and you’ll see guys of all stripes wearing all sorts of styles of facial hair. RVA is a beard-friendly city.”